The Healing Power of AUM: Finding Your Inner Purr

Introduction: The sound of AUM, often associated with meditation and yoga, holds a secret to daily tranquility, similar to the calming effect of a cat’s purr. In this article, we’ll explore how practicing the AUM sound can benefit you in daily life. The Science Behind AUM: AUM is more than a chant; it’s a vibrationalContinueContinue reading “The Healing Power of AUM: Finding Your Inner Purr”

The Beginner’s Roadmap to Songwriting: Starting Your Musical Journey

Introduction: Songwriting is an adventure—a blend of creativity, emotion, and technical skills. If you’re a beginner looking to craft your first song, understanding the basics is key. In this article, we’ll explore the foundational steps to start your songwriting journey. Understanding Scales and Chords: The first step is to familiarize yourself with basic musical scalesContinueContinue reading “The Beginner’s Roadmap to Songwriting: Starting Your Musical Journey”

The Harmonic Path: My Journey from Music Student to Teacher

Introduction:Why do I teach music? This question takes me back to the very roots of my personal and professional journey. My path to becoming a music teacher is intertwined with my own experiences of healing and growth through music.The Power of Sharing Knowledge:Sharing knowledge has always been a core belief of mine. The act ofContinueContinue reading “The Harmonic Path: My Journey from Music Student to Teacher”

The Soulful Symphony: Embracing Emotional Expression in Music Composition

Introduction: Music is not just an art form; it’s a profound means of expression, a language that speaks directly to the soul. When we talk about music composition, we often focus on technique, melody, and harmony. However, the true essence of impactful music lies deeper—it resides in the emotional expression interwoven within each note andContinueContinue reading “The Soulful Symphony: Embracing Emotional Expression in Music Composition”

What energy really is?

Photo by Ray Bilcliff on Energy! What is energy? Every different philosophy/science has given energy a different definition. This debate has resulted in letting people needing clarification about what energy is. Having these confusing explanations about energy, no one can understand the nature of energy. In this section, I will explain the energy asContinueContinue reading “What energy really is?”

Stretching and meditation

Photo by Tamba Budiarsana on You might have heard many meditation teachers talking about the importance of stretching before your meditation session. Many meditation classes start with a short stretching session during the relaxation procedure. In yoga, a meditation lifestyle, there are plenty of stretching exercises. So, why is stretching so crucial for yourContinueContinue reading “Stretching and meditation”

The importance of distractions in meditation

Photo by ArtHouse Studio on Imagine this: You go to your favorite meditation place. Let’s say a fantastic beach. You arrived there just before sunset. You have chosen your favorite meditation posture. You observe the colors in the sky; you enjoy the evening. You are ready to deepen inside you and receive the beautyContinueContinue reading “The importance of distractions in meditation”

How music affects psychology and vice versa

Photo by Kindel Media on Music! A powerful tool which can affect your psychology so much. Music, indeed, has psychoacoustic properties which can activate any of your emotions, most of the time, instantly. But how can music affect your emotional world so much? It’s all about vibrations. In reality, music is just a combinationContinueContinue reading “How music affects psychology and vice versa”

Why is it important for all of us to sing

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Some people were born blessed with the gift of a smooth voice. Others were born with the assistance of a perfect musical ear. Every detail of the music they perform or listen to, they can recognize it fully. Others lack any of these musical talents. Although I am aContinueContinue reading “Why is it important for all of us to sing”

Baby Breathing

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Have you ever heard about baby breathing? Or, in other words, embryonic breathing? Baby Breathing is one of the essential techniques in the I.M. Meditation method. Baby breathing is the technique that babies breathe. Everyone used to live using this technique when we were babies, but while growing up,ContinueContinue reading “Baby Breathing”